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//Bill’s Restaurant

Bill’s Restaurant

Bill’s is a British restaurant and bar chain, founded by Bill Collison in 2001. It began as a greengrocer’s, but after a flood, a cafe was added to the shop. It has been followed by an expansion of restaurants around the UK featuring locally sourced produce and menus for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Bill’s undertook a huge refurbishment of their restaurants and approached Thinkfarm in 2019 to help develop a brand strategy and clear brand positioning. It involved the redesign of their menus, marketing material and website, in order to attract a younger audience not just for breakfast and lunch, but also for dinner and drinks.

As part of a small creative team at Thinkfarm, I played a leading role in the redesign of their logo, concept and design of their menus and website. An organic look and feel, and a broad colour palette were established to emphasize the central message: All day & into the night.

Credit: Work undertaken whilst under contract at Thinkfarm, London.
